Chapter 9: Under the Bed
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 9: Under the Bed

He didn’t think he’d get the bed. Last night, he wasn’t offered the bed in the master bedroom either.

“Do you not want it?”

“No, no.” Xie Yu was shocked. “Thank you, Boss.”

“Brother, then where do I sleep?” Fatty asked Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng was irked that Fatty didn’t call him boss, but he still replied, “You’ll take the couch, and I’ll sleep on the ground.” Fatty stood beside the bed and stared at Xie Yu, who was lying in bed. His eyes filled with resentment. Then, he turned around to tell Jiang Cheng, “I think I can sleep in the bed.”

Jiang Cheng spread the mattress on the ground and wiggled into position. “No. You cannot.”

Jiang Cheng and Fatty had to stay up to keep watch. Neither of them trusted the one in the bed. Jiang Cheng snatched the watch from Xie Yu since he wouldn’t need it. He made a deal with Fatty that Fatty would stay up for the first three hours, and he would keep vigil for the later three.

“Then, what do you need me to do?” Xie Yu wrapped himself in the blanket and poked his head out to ask.

“I need you to sleep.”

Xia Yu shrunk back. Even his head was gone. He turned into a cocoon. Even though the bungalow had electricity, the supply was not stable. The lights above them flickered and would make this static sound. This was perfect for a horror movie. Jiang Cheng had no choice but to turn the lights off.

They could see a general situation of the room using the moonlight that filtered through the window. Fatty lay on the couch. He was fine during the first hour, but his eyelids started to fall. Even though he knew it was dangerous, he couldn’t control him. In the end, his head tilted to the side, and he slumbered. It was a heavy sleep, but it shouldn’t be long. At least when he woke up, the room was still dark. He rubbed his eyes and felt afraid.

Someone slept beside the bed. It was Jiang Cheng. Xie Yu was still a cocoon on the bed. Everything looked normal.

Even though Fatty was tired, he didn’t dare to go back to sleep. To make matters worse, he suddenly wanted to use the toilet.

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