Chapter 10: Size
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 10: Size

Jiang Cheng didn’t make any sound as he quickly stood up to hide in the toilet. Therefore, the ‘person’ Fatty saw sleeping on the ground beside the bed was not Jiang Cheng but the shadow that had just crawled out.

After the real Jiang Cheng hid in the toilet, while Fatty was distracted, he dragged the man in. Chen Xiaomeng switched on the lights in the room. After the lights came on, everyone saw the mess on the bed and the puddle of water on the ground. The water spread from the bed to the bedroom door. The group walked to the door and realised there were water puddles in the corridor as well. The water continued until it ended before the locked door.

Xie Yu was carried away by the ghost while inside the blanket. The thought was horrifying. No one had any hope that he was still alive.

Man Li tried to suppress the chill in his heart as he turned to Jiang Cheng, “Did you manage to see the ghost’s appearance?”

Fatty shook his head. He said the room was too dark, and he was…

Everyone knew that he was scared. After all, he was a newbie. It was understandable.

Just as Sister Nuan was about to say something, Jiang Cheng suddenly said, “It’s that girl.”


“The girl from the family of four.”

Man Li was shocked, “How can you tell?”

After they reached the bungalow, they had not seen any pictures, so they should have no idea what the family looked like.

Jiang Cheng lifted his head and looked at the locked door at the end of the corridor. “The ghost was wearing a pair of female casual shoes. I’ve seen them in the shoe closet before.”

Chen Xiaomeng said with a pale face, “It looks like our hypothesis was right. The other family members tortured the girl and then killed her. Now, she… is back for revenge.”

“We have nothing to do with her death. Why did she target?” Fatty thought back to what had happened earlier and was still scared.

Sister Nuan scoffed, “Are you going to reason with a ghost?”
“Enough!” Man Li cut in. “Stop talking. I’m going to go there to take a look. Who’s coming with me?” He was talking ab

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