Chapter 89: Don't Come Back
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 89: Don't Come Back

Chen Yao was unable to clear her name so she was pushed to her end. The testimonies were naturally fabricated by Li Yanwei. The guards, teachers and two students were all bought by Li Yanwei. They all died to Chen Yao later on. Chen Yao tore away their jaws and pulled out their tongues. That was her revenge for them lying.

After Chen Yao died, Li Yanwei trapped Su Yu at the Prop Centre. He managed to escape one time, but he came back because Chen Yao’s soul was still there. Therefore, he sneaked back. However, he was discovered by Li Yanwei’s subordinates.

The images of the three female guards appeared in Fatty’s eyes. He shivered involuntarily. After he was caught again, Li Yanwei confiscated his phone and ordered the guards to break his legs to prevent him from leaving. Then, she had her people send him food every day. He was treated… like a dog.

When Su Yu said these things, he was on the verge of a breakdown. The chains on the front door and front gate as well as the talismans, were Li Yanwei’s doing. They were there to prevent Su Yu from meeting with Chen Yao even in death.

Fatty gritted his teeth after hearing this. “How bad can a woman be?”

Jiang Cheng reached into his pocket and pulled out a small notebook. This was Chen Yao’s present to Su Yu. The latter had been taking good care of it. Fatty slowly turned it over.

Sunny 19th September

It is a background knowledge class today. I learned a lot from Teacher Su. I feel so happy.

Rain 24th September

It was raining out. The original performance was cancelled. Everyone felt sad, but Teacher Su encouraged us, telling us that there would always be a next opportunity.

Cloudy 29th September

Our first official performance was a success! Teacher Su is such a gentle person.

Rain 12th October

Su Yu was featured in every dairy entry. It was clear how important this man was to Chen Yao. Fatty continued reading, and then, he narrowed his eyes. “Doctor,” He held the diary, “Why is there only half? Where’s the later half?”

The diary was torn apart in the mid

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