Chapter 88: Su Yu
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 88: Su Yu

Su Yu wiggled his body to squeeze through the gap. His wilted arm reached out to grab Fatty’s feet. His eyes glowed with a creepy light. Fatty stamped his feet helplessly. Just as he thought he was about to die, he suddenly heard a boom. Half of Su Yu’s body had crawled out of the door. However, his head tilted out of a sudden. He slumped to the ground like the energy had been sucked out of his body. Only his thin fingers twitched weakly.

Fatty widened his eyes. He saw Jiang Cheng standing beside Su Yu from the corner of his eyes. Jiang Cheng raised the second flower pot way above his head and slammed it down.

Even the fingers stopped moving. The successions of shock were too much for Fatty to handle. His vision blurred, and soon, he fainted…

When we woke up again, he realised he was already inside the yard and leaning against a pillar. Before him was a sand pit. In the middle of the pit was a chair. It was a school chair. It was not tall and had a back. It was very sturdy. A person was tied to the chair: Su Yu.

Fatty woke up the instant he saw Su Yu. He moved his sore neck to look for Jiang Cheng. Soon, a rustling sound approached him. Jiang Cheng appeared from a corner. He carried a round stuff on each of his arms. When he got closer, Fatty recognised them as two red flower pots.

“Doctor!” Fatty said excitedly.

Jiang Cheng looked at him and nodded. “You’re awake.”

Fatty had many questions, but he didn’t know where to start. In any case, the doctor was amazing. He caught a ghost with just two pots.

Jiang Cheng seemed to see through Fatty’s concern. He placed the pots on the ground and then pointed at Su Yu, “He won’t be waking up any time soon. Don’t worry.”

“Doctor!” Hearing that, Fatty cried loudly. “You are so brave to smash the pots against the ghost’s head!”

Jiang Cheng halted. Then, he looked at Fatty strangely, “You need to check your eyes. He’s a human, not a ghost.”

“How can that be? He was acting so much like a ghost! He tried to grab me!” Fatty shook his head.

“Hey!” Jiang Cheng walked

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