Chapter 349: Feng Shui
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 349: Feng Shui (Teaser)

When they got on the bus for registration, a woman from the booth told her weakly that the person who left was not a police officer.

“Then, why was he wearing a police uniform?” Chen Yi was stunned.

Then, another woman added. That was their theme. The man came out of nowhere in a doctor’s outfit. He changed behind the couch. When the rest heard that, Chen Yi was laughed at by her colleagues. When they arrived at the station, her head was still buzzing.

The next day, she received a notice from above. She was transferred from heavy crime to public security management. She worked there since. When this happened, her internship with heavy crime hadn’t ended.

Chen Yi became obsessed after that. She found the sketch artist and painted Jiang Cheng’s portrait based on her memory. She made 20 copies of it. She pasted them on her office and her bedroom walls so that she would never forget this humiliation.

Finally, God looked down on her, and she found the culprit.

“Miss Xu,” Jiang Cheng said, “Our conflict is internal. If we clash here, it doe