Chapter 348: Fate
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 348: Fate (Teaser)

The name sounded safe.

The elder coughed violently. Fatty was worried that he’d cough his lungs out. He limped over to the table. He slowly pulled out the drawer, grabbed something and dropped it on the table.

“Split it among yourselves. These are the rooms we have. Don’t complain. You get what you pay for.” The old man said rudely between coughs. Using the staff, he shuffled out of the way. There were around ten keys on the glass table. They looked old, so they should be paired with traditional locks. Each key was pasted with white tape with the room number written on it.

After picking up a key, Liu Guo frowned. “What is the meaning of this?” The number on the tape was 2803. However, it didn’t look like this apartment had 28 floors.

The old man held the big cup, and his eye scanned Liu Guo. He answered croakily, “That’s Room 803 in Building 2.”

“Building 2?” Fatty gasped.

The old man narrowed his eye which flashed, “Ping An Apartments have three buildings, 1, 2 and 3.” He paused. His ugly lips turned over. “Your rooms be away from ea