Chapter 337: Dawn
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 337: Dawn (Teaser)

The Huang Residence looked open and free but the security was extremely strong. They had masters all the time throughout the year for protection. They had considered assissation but they had to give up.

They waited until they found that ancient book with the strange ritual. Unfortunately, the ritual said that the caster had to conduct a live sacrifice through marriage on the night of a full moon and had to suffer the pain of being made into a humanskin drum. Then, the drum had to be played by those closest to the victim to summon her soul.

Miao Cheng’s two girls grew up into beauties. The older sister was gentle and kind. The little sister was understanding and cute.

Therefore, a plan that targeted Young Master Huang slowly moved into place.

Miao Cheng cried when he had to sell his daughters to the brothel. They took on new names of Xuan Ji and Xiao Wan. Then, a great show started.

Through Xiao Wan’s accusation, the travellers heard a surprising discovery… Xiao Wan was ready to sacrifice herself like her sister did. The two of them pr