Chapter 3: Bungalow
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 3: Bungalow

“Alright. Finally, everyone should be here.” The muscular man took the leadership role naturally, “The mission is about to start. Everyone, be ready.”

As if in response to the man, a ray of light came from the distance. As the light approached, it pierced through the darkness. A brand-new luxury bus slowly eased into the station.

“Talk less and observe more. Make sure everything is safe before you do anything. Do not go off on your own.” Before the bus door opened, the muscular man lowered his voice to whisper a few more notes.

The woman with the mole couldn’t stand the man’s attitude, so she chided, “The rewards are proportional to the risks. If you want something, you have to pay something.” At that moment, the bus door opened. A youngster jumped out.

He had a crew cut and wore a blue shirt and bleached jeans. He looked in his early twenties. His mouth moved like he was chewing on gum.

“Sorry for the wait, dear travellers. I was delayed by the weather. I’m so sorry.” The youngster gave everyone a surprise once she spoke. She was a woman. The woman continued her self-introduction, “It is my honour to be the guide of your journey this time. My surname is Zheng. You can call me Xiao Zheng or Guide Zheng.”

“Guide Zheng,” someone responded. No one called her Xiao Zheng.

“Alright. Let’s get in the car.” Guide Zheng said politely, “The weather means that the journey will be slow, so we better keep a close eye on the time.”

Everyone got on the bus in the order of left to right. First, it was the muscular. Then, the woman with the mole, the young government worker, the balding middle-aged man, Jiang Zheng, the fatty and lastly, the innocent girl.

They realised there were other travellers when they got on the bus. A couple sat near the back. The girl was reading a magazine. Her boyfriend leaned against the window to rest as he listened to the music on his headphones.

There was also a middle-aged woman and a boy sitting right behind the driver. They should be mother and son. However, the son appeared to be sick. H

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