Chapter 2: Game Start
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 2: Game Start

Down the distance was a bus station. It was empty. There was no bus or workers on duty. The sky was cloudly and raining slightly. A small group of people gathered around the spacious platform. There were around five of them. They should be travellers. The age of the station was visible from the exposed brick platform and the decrepit roof that was leaking in places. This meant that the travellers all gathered at the same corner to avoid the rain.

Currently, the travellers were all looking in the same direction. In the rain, about 30 metres away, there was a man with an umbrella. The man was motionless and had remained like that for ten minutes already.

As the travellers whispered to each other, the man suddenly moved towards the platform.

As he got closer, they confirmed that he was a man. He had a balanced body and a handsome face. He wore a jacket that was several sizes too large for him and… a pair of patterned sleeping pants and cartoon fuzzy slippers.

The slippers were drenched from the rain. They squished with each step that he took.

Jiang Cheng, who arrived there in his dream, put away the umbrella and looked at the people gathered before him.

A tiny and pure-looking girl asked carefully, “Are you new?”

“Don’t ask stupid questions.” A muscular man with a bushy beard glanced at the girl. His eyes lingered on Jiang Cheng’s fuzzy slippers for a moment before moving away. He looked at Jiang Cheng like he was assessing his prey. Then, he added, “An interesting newbie. He’s so calm even though he’s here.”

There were five of them in total. Jiang Cheng temporarily didn’t see anyone else.

Other than the pure girl and the bearded man, there was a woman around 35 with a pair of thin lips. The woman had a beauty spot next to her lips, and her looks were average.

There was a balding man around 50 who looked rather salacious.

Lastly, there was a young man who dressed like a government worker. His hair was smoothed down in place. Different from the others, the young man appeared like he had just cried. There wer

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