Chapter 181: Hidden Room
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 181: Hidden Room

It was clear that everyone wanted to get more information from the aged woman but the latter sat on the stone pillar and said nothing. It was her silence or rather hostility that made the rest didn’t dare to force her.

Everyone wanted to get her to speak, but no one wanted to be the bad guy to force her. After all, that person might be taken revenge on by her. If what the woman said was true, then her survival chance would be very high. After all, this would be her second time there.

“What should we do now?” Someone asked.

The travellers were silent. Everyone knew that there had to be a secret behind this stone door. If they couldn’t find the mechanism to open it, they had to brute force it. But… who would do that?

Sometimes, it was not a good thing for there to be too many clever people. If they were newbies or not so clever, they’d be ramming themselves into the door already. Of course, the chance of them being killed by the monster was also high.

A mysterious wind picked up to blow away the dust on the door. The carving of the creature blurred. This was good. It lowered the mental pressure on the group.

The stone door was weaker than they thought. The four men picked up a medium-sized stone pillar and rammed it into the stone door. The door didn’t open like a normal door but fell back like a domino. It raised up a lot of dust.

The moment the door fell, the four immediately retreated. The dust eventually settled to reveal the secret behind the door. It was a stone stairs. From their angle, all they could see was the stairs curving upwards into the dark.

The young master waved away the dust and turned to the women. He nodded. “It’s your turn.”

That was the agreement before the men took down the door. The men would knock down the door, and the women would explore the space behind it first. In the nightmare realm, everyone was treated equally. When death was right before their faces, chivalry was nothing.

The three women gathered unwillingly together. Clearly, each one of them had their own plot. No one kn

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