Chapter 180: Suspicion
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 180: Suspicion

Was this the thing that assaulted them?

Everyone was silent. They knew the issue.

It was a scoff that broke the silence. Everyone turned to the young master’s handsome face. He looked at the organism on the door and shrugged, “You people don’t really believe this thing exists, right?

“Everything in the mission is based on something that has happened in real life. In other words, everything here can be traced back to something real in real life. None of you are newbies, so you should know whether I’m lying or not.” The young master continued, “Plus, this creature’s physical make-up and its shape are clearly not based in reality. This place…” He looked around, “It should be something like a church or a ritual ground. It’s clearly human-made. I believe the creators are humans who live by the ocean.

“In the history of humankind, people survive based on their geography. For the natives here, the ocean is their source of life.

“When the fishing is good, everyone can survive. When the catch is bad, they will have to starve.

“Over time, they would develop an admiration for the mysterious sea. They would attach the source of the natural tragedy and great waves to the anger of the sea. The sea is given a life and becomes a person with emotions like you and me.

“Because humanity needs something unusually strong to sustain their admiration,” He added, “Or to be a source of their respect and fear!

“The strongest and most ancient emotion of humanity is fear. The strongest fear comes from the unknown. The sea, the deep sea, is one of the few unknowns on Earth.

“I believe that is the reason behind the construction of this building. They should perform rituals to appease the Sea God here to pray for a good catch and safety.”

The young master’s speech was inspiring. His words were like a ray of light, tearing apart the travellers’ fear of the unknown.

First of all, if the enemy were the ghost, they could end the mission by fulfilling their wishes. If the enemy were this unknown creature on the stone wall, what else could

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