Chapter 111: Woman
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 111: Woman

After a quick introduction, the village leader began to corral his people to leave. At that moment, Jiang Cheng suddenly called out, “Village Leader!”

When they turned around, Jiang Cheng pointed at the night sky. “Is it alright for you lot to travel back up the mountain so late at night?”

“We…” The leader looked awkward, but he quickly laughed to cover it. “Thank you for your concern, little brother. I think we might stay somewhere close overnight.”

“Why don’t you come and stay with us?” Jiang Cheng offered naturally, “You can tell us more about your village at night.”

At that moment, the young people around the village head had their faces change. In the end, it was the village head who smoothed things over, “Thank you, little brother. We… can’t impose on you. You should rest. We’ll come fetch you early tomorrow morning.” After saying that, the village head and his group left in the hurry like something scary was chasing after them.

After the village head’s group disappeared into the dark and the travellers turned around into the inn to rest, they realised the inn boss was standing at the door, staring at the village head’s group silently. When the travellers got closer, they realised there was an indecipherable strangeness in the boss’ eyes. There was disgust and also… barely discernable fear.

“Brother Liu,” Zhou Rong noticed this too. The inn boss clearly knew the village head and his people. Furthermore, he didn’t like them, or else he wouldn’t have stopped them from entering his inn. Combined with the woman whom they encountered in the afternoon and the old man at the fence, the people of Little Ravine Village were not welcomed at An Ping Town. It was not a specific person who was targeted but the whole village. What happened… to this village to cause this?

The boss seemed to wake up from a dream after being called by Zhou Rong. He shuddered involuntarily. The travellers noted this.

“Brother Liu,” Zhou Rong was very friendly. He purposely glanced at where the boss was watching earlier. He acted openly

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