Chapter 110: Little Ravine Village
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 110: Little Ravine Village

Jiang Cheng ignored the hateful gaze coming from behind him. The more Chen Xiaomeng stared at Jiang Cheng’s face, the greater her will to strangle him.

An Ping Town wasn’t big. The inn was situated in the middle of the town. Soon, they reached the edges of the town. An elder leaned against the fence, a tobacco pipe hanging on his lips. By his looks, the elder lived a hard-pressed life. His clothes were old and had many patches. His pant legs were stuck with mud. His two slightly open eyes appeared murky. Perhaps he was blind. The fence behind him was dirty and uneven. Probably, it was used to keep livestock. However, only unkempt hay mixed with mud still remained. The wind carried over a horrible stench.

Bei Qian studied the old man. With his hands behind his back, he walked forward naturally. Chen Xiaomeng saw this and wanted to follow but she was stopped by Zhou Rong.

Bei Qian leaned on the fence beside the old man. Soon, the two elders of similar ages started to chat. Eventually, the elder became more enthusiastic. He even turned around to gesture at the space inside the fence as if he were introducing stuff to Bei Qian. Ten minutes later, Bei Qian said goodbye and left. The simple old man called after him and took out a wrinkled, self-rolled tobacco roll from his dirty pocket. He wanted to give it to Bei Qian. Bei Qian thanked him and rejected him. The elder was very stubborn. He insisted. Bei Qian nodded and had to thank the old man again. Then, he returned to his team.

“Elder Bei,” Zhou Rong asked, “Is there any clue about that woman?”

Bei Qian nodded. He placed the tobacco roll on his lips, but he didn’t light it. He seemed to be reminiscing about that era.

“The woman is not from this town but from the nearby village.” He began slowly, “She arrived here about half a month ago. She said it was to find her missing husband. She started to look for him with a few portraits. She appeared a bit loose in the head. Everyone in the town knows of her.”

Jiang Zhongyi leaned forward and whispered, “Did her husban

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