Chapter 105: Old Man
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 105: Old Man

Fatty’s leg paused. Then, his whole body froze. That’s right. If he didn’t notice the newspaper that was stuck to his body and went to bed like normal… What would happen?

He would be like Jiang Cheng from the night before. He would be dragged into the nightmare realm and… become a Dead Fatty like Jiang Cheng said.

The bag that he packed dropped to the ground. The iced tea bottle rolled out of the bag until it knocked against the wall.

“Doc… tor…” His face was drained of colour. He turned around shakingly. He noticed the bedroom door was closed. The note he stuck on the handle was gone. A few seconds later, Jiang Cheng’s voice came from inside the door, “Don’t disturb me tomorrow morning.” His voice was muffled as if he was already under the cover. “I want to see the ribs on the table by 11 am.” He continued, “Don’t forget about the dipping sauce. Remember to fry the ingredients first.”

Fatty was even more obedient than Jiang Cheng required. After he woke up in the morning, he moved around so slowly that he barely made any sound. His gait was light as he moved down the stairs.

He went to the morning market to purchase some yams. He peeled them and cut them into short pieces. He placed them in the pot with the ribs. He also bought some cucumbers. He marinated them with salt, soysauce and vinegar to make into a cold salad for Doctor.

Fatty calculated the time perfectly. He started cooking at 8 am so he’d wake Doctor up at 10.50 am. The rest of the time he spent cleaning. In a pair of plastic gloves, he started to clean Jiang Cheng’s computer, table and so on… Fatty picked up Jiang Cheng’s keyboard and frowned. The only unlocked drawer had two rolls of tissues inside it. He was very detailed. He cleaned even the corners. He had a cleaning job before, so this wasn’t hard for him. It merely took time. As he knelt on the ground with a bottle of cleaner and washcloth, footsteps came from the stairs. Fatty raised his head to see Jiang Cheng turn the corner.

“Doctor,” Fatty greeted him passionately. “You’re so earl

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