Chapter 104: Limit
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 104: Limit

That night, Doctor warned him that he shouldn’t leave the room no matter what happened. He remembered Doctor’s gaze when he said that. However, not long after that, the latter slumbered like nothing was going on. He was so comfortable that he changed so many poses while he slept. It impressed Fatty greatly. Doctor probably had figured out the clue was the newspapers by then. It was why he was so fearless.

“Doctor,” Fatty leaned over and asked curiously, “I’ve read that newspaper. It only recorded the details of the bungalow murder. But…” He lifted his head, “How is that related to the school mission?”

Jiang Cheng turned his head to look out the window. The day was darkening. There were car honks in the distance. Jiang Cheng didn’t answer directly.

Fatty’s body reacted badly to this. He was the most anxious when Jiang Cheng suddenly became quiet. As time passed, he realised the separation that existed between them even though Jiang Cheng didn’t express it explicitly. Fatty knew that they were not on the same level.

If Jiang Cheng were willing, Fatty was allowed to join his life. However, if he were not, Fatty would have no place in his life. Thankfully, before the string in Fatty’s heart snapped, Jiang Cheng opened his mouth. “The content of the newspaper changed. The earlier articles disappeared. The taboo related to the school mission appeared in the blank spaces.”

Confusion flashed in Fatty’s eyes. He sensitively captured the keyword. Taboo… and not the clue.

“The ghost in the mission couldn’t kill repeatedly at the same place.” Jiang Cheng announced.

Fatty widened his eyes and thought back to the mission. The woman in the qipao died in the hostel; Long Tao died in the male toilet; Luo Yi died in the file room; Zhen Jianren died at the Prop Centre; And Xu Wen… died inside the mirror world. Indeed, after all of them were listed out, it was clear that no two people died at the same place. It was probably why the Doctor was so confident about falling asleep. After all, the woman in the qipao had died there al

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