Chapter 102: Envy
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 102: Envy

The plastic bag opened to reveal boxes upon boxes of cooked seafood. At a cursory glance, there were lobsters, crabs, fish and so on…

“Doctor…” Tears were rolling in Fatty’s eyes. He suddenly felt it didn’t matter if he couldn’t find a sugar mommy as long as he had Doctor.

“Eat them while they’re still hot.” Jiang Cheng patted Fatty’s back.

“Thank you, Doctor!”

Fatty loved seafood the most. Unfortunately, they were expensive so he didn’t get too many chances to eat them. He grabbed a crab and snapped it in half. When he saw the overflowing crab roe, the unhappiness from earlier was gone. Jiang Cheng glanced at the door. The deliveryman was still there and hadn’t left.

“Is there anything else?” Jiang Cheng questioned.

The man smiled and said in a polite tone, “Mr. Jiang, you…” He rubbed his hands, “Haven’t paid!”

The crab that was about to enter Fatty’s mouth paused.

Jiang Cheng was startled. “Pay for what?”

“The seafood, of course,” The man was shocked too. The way he looked at Jiang Cheng changed, “Four crabs, one lobster, one large prawn… The total is 1070.” The man showed the receipt to Jiang Cheng.

“Haven’t these been paid?” Jiang Cheng said, “I told them to pack it up for me as a takeaway.”

“I’m sorry, Mr. Jiang,” The man didn’t seem to believe Jiang Cheng. His tone hardened. “Today was a private party. All the food was fixed. We didn’t provide takeaway services. Yours is considered extra delivery.”

The next second, Jiang Cheng moved to snatch the crab away from Fatty and then pieced the broken crab back together. After he placed everything back in their boxes, he shoved the plastic back to the deliveryman. “I don’t want them anymore.” He raised his neck and said proudly.
Deliveryman, ???

Fatty, ???

Then, before the man could react, Jiang Cheng chased him away.

A water sound came from the kitchen. As Fatty washed his hands, he said, “Doctor,” He sounded embarrassed, “It doesn’t matter if I don’t get to eat crabs, but you shouldn’t trouble that brother.” He flung his hands dry, “I’ve been in his

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