Chapter 101: Anticipation
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 101: Anticipation

“Doctor,” Fatty was shocked, “How did you know?”

Jiang Cheng glanced at Fatty, “What is your opinion?”

Fatty’s expression became anxious but quickly returned to normal, “Doctor, I remember we’ve discussed this question before… When we were in the nightmare realm. At the time, you said that thing should be related to clearing the mission…”

“Continue.” Jiang Cheng sipped the coffee, “I’m listening.”

“But… I don’t get it. Since some of them already have the thing to help them solve the mission, why did most of us die?” Fatty’s eyes flashed with confusion, “Was the mission too difficult? Or was our hypothesis wrong?” For Fatty, the first and second missions were no different. If not for Doctor, he would have died in both. “Doctor, to be honest, I believe our teammates were quite capable.” Fatty reminisced, “Xu Wen, Zhang Yinyin, and that…” He reached out two fingers to point at his eyes. He grimaced. “That Zhen Jianren. He… dared to do that to himself. That’s crazy…”

Jiang Cheng’s expression didn’t change, so Fatty didn’t know what he was thinking. Before the former, Fatty felt like he was a piece of blank paper. However, this mission changed his mind. He overestimated himself. He was more like a piece of wastepaper. He even had the impression that Jiang Cheng in the nightmare realm was the real Jiang Cheng and the one before him… was just a puppet with the shell of a doctor.

While Fatty was thinking, Jiang Cheng raised his head to look at the door. A few seconds later, Fatty heard footsteps. They were crisp. It was the sound of heels clicking against the marble floor.

The footsteps stopped before the door. They were followed by three rhythmic knocks. The person clearly had the intention of announcing their arrival.

“Please come in,” Jiang Cheng said.

The door opened. The sun was rather blinding. Fatty shielded his eyes and could barely see a human shape. Slowly, when his eyes adjusted, Fatty was starstruck. From the bottom, he saw a pair of long, sexy legs. They were practically shining. The lady wore a pair

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