Chapter 91 - Since It's Not Possible To Go From Above, Then Let's Go From Below
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 91 - Since It's Not Possible To Go From Above, Then Let's Go From Below

Desert Queen Ant's Egg.

Lin Moyu looked at the transparent object shaped like an egg in his palm.

If a Beast Tamer were to get his hands on this thing, he would be able to hatch a Desert Queen Ant.

With a queen ant, an untold number of ants can be raised.

So long as the Beast Tamer controls the queen ant, the ants will be at his beck and call.

Although the level of the Desert Queen Ant isn't high, but the level of tamed beasts can be increased.

Lin Moyu believes that this thing should be quite valuable.

He can ask about it once he's back.

As for the two silver rank equipment, they are dispensable to him.

That means they can be exchanged for some money.

One minute after the queen ant was killed, the corpse disappeared, revealing a passage.

The Skeletal Warriors ran into the passage first.

After entering the ant colony, they have been advancing downward.

The passage, on the other hand, leads upward.

There were no monsters in the passage. After a while, sunlight emerged again.

The underground's shade gave way to scorching heat.

Yellow sand extending without end materialized once more.

It's hotter here than on the other side, as if the place were a grill.

Behind the exit, there is a steep cliff with trees.

A mountain separates the dungeon in two.

To arrive here, you must cross the ant colony.

It has been 11 hours since Lin Moyu entered the dungeon.

This dungeon is too large. Too much time has been wasted on searching the path.

The Skeletal Warriors quickly moved forward. They must hurry.

The longer time drags on, the lower the chance that the Tyrant's Heart will drop.

Suddenly, a beam of light dropped and landed on Lin Moyu.

The Bone Armor emitted dazzling white light to block the attack.

The attack is very strong, so the Bone Armor is rapidly collapsing.

Lin Moyu was startled, then quickly retreated.

Thereupon, the beam hit the desert, and sand exploded into the air.

Then came another beam.

The Skeletal Warriors quickly formed a wall to protect him.

Looking in the direction the beams ca

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