Chapter 293 - You Should Go, I Need Some Time To Myself
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 293 - You Should Go, I Need Some Time To Myself (Teaser)

It was a golden military badge, signifying the military rank of colonel—specifically, a one-star colonel.

It required 100,000 military merit to reach the military rank of colonel, and 1 million to become a one-star colonel. After that, each additional million of military merit added another star.

Lin Moyu, at just level 35, had already attained the one-star colonel rank. It was staggering to think of how many Demons and Dragonkind had fallen by his hand.

Mo Xinghai let out a sigh, “A level 35 one-star colonel? That’s unheard of.”

Bai Yiyuan shook his head, “I’ve never even seen a level 45 colonel, let alone a level 35 one.”

Becoming a one-star colonel was no easy feat; it had to be earned through countless battles. In the military, such a rank commanded great respect. If Lin Moyu chose to enlist, he could easily lead a force of several thousand. Military rank outweighed level in military standing.

After Lin Moyu had covered everything he needed to, Mo Xinghai returned to the Hall of Heroes, where he continued monitoring Mo Yun’s soul