Chapter 292 - Did You Clean Out The Lair Of The Demonic Dragons?
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 292 - Did You Clean Out The Lair Of The Demonic Dragons? (Teaser)

Lin Moyu couldn't understand why Meng Anwen was laughing. What was so funny? The more Meng Anwen laughed, the more embarrassed Bai Yiyuan and Mo Xinghai became. Clearly, there was a story behind this.

Mo Xinghai snorted, "Old Meng, what's so funny?"

Bai Yiyuan, knowing the reason for Meng Anwen’s amusement, joined in, "What’s the joke? Could you have done any better?"

Meng Anwen chuckled, “Years ago, the two of you led a group to take on the Soul Devour Insect Mother. But you didn’t even get a glimpse of it—you were chased off by the Soul Devour Insect King. Then, still unsatisfied, you went after the Earth Evil Centipede. After half an hour, you nearly got poisoned to death. You cut a really sorry figure.”

Bai Yiyuan snorted, "And you? We invited you to join, but you refused. Yet you still mocked us afterward."

Meng Anwen smiled, "I knew it was a losing battle. Why would I join just to lose face?"

Bai Yiyuan snorted and ignored him. Those two battles were rare defeats in his life. They weren’t exactly stains on his record, but they w