Chapter 281 - A Hair's Breadth From Death; Abyssal Phantasms
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 281 - A Hair's Breadth From Death; Abyssal Phantasms

The mist thickened, worsening visibility. Lin Moyu's vision blurred, and the Fire Demon King's projection vanished into the haze. The Skeletal Warriors disappeared too, their faint soul fires barely discernible before fading completely. The sound of cracking bones echoed as the skeletons scattered.

Despite the mist, Lin Moyu's connection with the Skeletal Warriors remained intact, allowing him to perceive the surroundings through them.

"The barrier covers an area one kilometer in radius. There are no monsters, just endless mist. What is the Fire Demon King planning?"

The Skeletal Warriors relayed detailed information about the barrier, but Lin Moyu couldn't decipher the Fire Demon King's intent. Was he simply trapped? Did the Demon King intend to keep him imprisoned until he died?

Under his command, the Skeletal Warriors attacked the barrier, but it only hummed in response. Even their skill only caused slight ripples. The Fire Demon King's barrier was too strong to break—at least for now.

"Maybe the barrier can be broken with the help of Enhance Troops." Lin Moyu mused.

Mist filled his body with each breath, seeping in through his skin as well. His Bone Armor remained inactive, reassuring him that the mist shouldn't be harmful

Suddenly, Lin Moyu thought he could hear faint laughter, as if the Fire Demon King was mocking him.

The scene around him shifted, and memories from his past surfaced—slaying demons, defeating bosses, competing in class user tournaments, and raiding dungeons. Yet, just as quickly, they faded away.

Lin Moyu felt a sense of loss, as though something important was slipping from his memory. Moments later, he was back at school, surrounded by the lively hum of chatter.

"What am I doing here?" Lin Moyu wondered. Something felt wrong, but his memories insisted he was a student preparing for his class awakening.

Gao Yang called out, "Dummy Lin, it's your turn! Get up there already!"

Xia Xue added, "They've called you twice already. Stop daydreaming!"

"Next, Lin Moyu!" Someone announced from the class

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