Chapter 225 - Perfectly Countering The Soul Devour Insect King; Soul Crystal
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 225 - Perfectly Countering The Soul Devour Insect King; Soul Crystal

The Second Form Soul Devour Insect King, its spirit attribute decreased, while its strength and physique attributes increased. The overall attributes, however remained unchanged—350,000.

The Soul Devour Insect King transformed into a 10-meter tall humanoid monster.

The Skeletal Mages continued their relentless attacks. With the barbs gone, the Skeletal Warriors began to swarm the Soul Devour Insect King, covering its body in no time.

The Soul Devour Insect King swept with its large hands, sending multitudes of Skeletal Warriors flying.

Subsequently, it grabbed a Skeletal Warrior and tossed it into its mouth, and then the sounds of crunching on bones rang out.

The Skeletal Warrior was surprisingly eaten. At the same time, Lich General reported that its undead legion lost a Skeletal Warrior.

At this time, the Soul Devour Insect King grabbed another Skeletal Warrior, stuffed it into its mouth, and started chewing.

After consuming the Skeletal Warriors, its injuries began to heal faster.

It still had this kind of ability? Lin Moyu was at a loss for words; it could eat opponents to heal itself. This ability was just too abnormal.

"Since that's how you want to play it, then let's see whether you can eat faster or I can attack faster!"

The Soul Devour Insect King grabbed the third Skeletal Warrior. Despite being affected by the curse that slowed its movements, it was so thoroughly surrounded by Skeletal Warriors that it could easily catch one.

Lin Moyu snorted coldly. With a flash of red light, the Damage Curse replaced the Slow Curse. At the same time, Soul Blaze burned fiercely.

Before this point, Lin Moyu had only used Soul Blaze once to divert the boss's attention, and hadn't used it again.

Now, in order to quickly end the battle and reduce the damage, Lin Moyu himself also joined the fray.

With the help of the Damage Curse, which increased damage by 10 times, the effect of Soul Blaze was maximized.

The Soul Devour Insect King screeched in agony, nearly dropping the Skeletal Warrior it was holding.

Soul Blaze packed a

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