Chapter 208 - How About I Go Faster?
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 208 - How About I Go Faster?

The arrival of the group from the Yanhuang Institute created an even stronger impact than that of the Chuangshi Institute. Upon their arrival, they headed straight for the Dungeon Hall and quickly entered the Fire God's Palace Hall dungeon.

"The Chuangshi Institute and the Yanhuang Institute are facing off again."

"No wonder. With the Chuangshen Institute being so dominant, these two institutes have no choice but to compete against each other for the second place."

"This time, I bet they’re going to compete to see who clears the dungeon faster."

"No matter how hard they try, they can't break Boss Lin's record."

"With the Chuangshen Institute dominating the institutes and Boss Lin dominating the dungeons, they will always be fighting for second place."

"Ha-ha-ha-ha!" Everyone laughed.

Lin Moyu was pondering the aura he sensed just now. Amid the various boss accessory auras, one peculiar aura caught his attention. It felt like a fire elemental monster.

Fire elemental monsters were immune to fire elemental damage. This boss accessory seemed to have a similar effect. However, without seeing it firsthand, he couldn't be certain.

If he got the chance, Lin Moyu planned to look up information on this boss accessory later. He knew very little about boss accessories, and Bai Yiyuan didn't seem keen on broaching this topic.

Perhaps in the eyes of a godly powerhouse like Bai Yiyuan, low-level boss accessories were simply beneath them. Their requirements regarding equipment had reached another level. Unless it was legendary rank equipment, it wasn't worth taking notice.

Lin Moyu meditated and rested for three hours, during which no one disturbed him. His depleted spirit force was fully restored, while his stamina was mostly recovered, the fatigue swept away.

At this time, he felt the difference of 200 points in attributes. After taking the Elementary Magical Draught, all his attributes were raised by 200 points.

While this might seem insignificant compared to the attributes of the skeletons, but to Lin Moyu, it represented a 40

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