Chapter 999: The Sun Rises
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My Iyashikei Game Chapter 999: The Sun Rises

"Notification for Player 0000. You've obtained Grade A Butcher's Knife-- Rest in Peace!"

The eyes, dominated by madness, colored with rationality. The mad laughter stopped. Nightmare felt like snow. Mad Laughter looked at the spot where Han Fei had fallen. The person who accompanied him through everything was gone. On this bloodred night, he was alone again. He picked up Rest in Peace. Many years ago, the evil ghosts gave him a knife too. He used that knife to kill all the children.

It shouldn't be like this. I was the one who created despair. Why would you die?

His heart was almost gouged out by Dream but Mad Laughter didn't care. He didn't feel sad but there was an indescribable emotion. His hands that grabbed the knife tightened. The first-generation ghost's blood flowed into Mad Laughter's body. The past owners' hope empowered him and the endless despair became his power. Han Fei gave everything he had to Mad Laughter. Red spread through the dream chains. The two bloodred nights seemed to overlap.

How could the tragedy repeat itself?

Xu Qin yelled loudly. The neighbors threw themselves at the Unmentionables. The people in Rest in Peace cried. Mad Laughter heard everything.

Are they calling for you to stay too?

Mad Laughter stood at the tallest building in the cryptic world. He aimed the blade at Dream. He wanted to do one thing. This thing might not be correct and the result was unclear but he just wanted to do it now. Mad Laughter looked at the despairing world. From the start, he was surrounded by despair. He tried to heal himself but he was still cornered in the end.

The eyes scanned the night. He had recovered from the madness. However, the flame in his eyes burned harder!

Han Fei and Mad Laughter's memory joined. An endless bloodred city appeared behind Mad Laughter. The lonely city built at the deepest part of despair was Mad Laughter's altar world. The city had everything they had experienced together. This city was born in the blood city and bloomed on the twinflower. Mad Laughter put away his

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Novel Notes

My Iyashikei Story has officially ended at Chapter 1000. Gain Early Access to the translation of the entire story by subscribing to my patreon.

The chapter release rate on this website will be one chapter per day, so eventually, the whole book will be on the site.