Chapter 998: Thank You
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My Iyashikei Game Chapter 998: Thank You

The colors of the world were taken away by Dream. The colorful wings appeared to have no end. This was the real Dream. Standing at the top of the skyscraper alone, Han Fei felt immense pressure.

The Pure Hatred called Butterfly was an impossibly beautiful person, and the ghost called Dream was a butterfly. The wings made from human faces flapped lightly. Dream dust covered everything.

The aging Han Fei backed away and leaned on the altar. He was too weak compared to Dream. Dream was imposing without using its power. All the Unmentionables stopped moving. Even the sky felt like it was going to fall. "How can there be such a scary ghost?"

Dream's eleven altars projected into the surface world, and his consciousness was held back by No. 2. The nightmare was taken down, but even so, Dream was still so powerful. It had overwhelming power and had control of endless criminals in real life. The black mist was blown away by the wings. The mist was to cover its existence. After it confirmed its target, it struck immediately.

The dreams in the sky turned into traps. After Dream showed up, it used its entire power to kill Han Fei. Fate was twisted, and the blood sea wailed. The endless dream turned into a knife that cut through time. When Han Fei saw the beautiful blade, it had already appeared before him. Death came instantly. The blade aimed at his head, and Dream's target was the black box in Han Fei's brain!

Han Fei closed his eyes, but the pain didn't arrive. Han Fei heard a sharp sound, and then he felt the pain of hands on his shoulders. His wrinkled eyelids opened. Han Fei saw his teacher stand before him. The elder morphed into the night and shielded Han Fei. The sins on his body rapidly disappeared. The elder was so much weaker than Dream. He sacrificed to buy a few seconds for Han Fei. Until his death, he was still following his rules. His skin melted. Everywhere the blade touched started to smell. The strange dream pattern instantly crawled over the elder's skin.

The madness and power in the elder's eyes disa

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Novel Notes

My Iyashikei Story has officially ended at Chapter 1000. Gain Early Access to the translation of the entire story by subscribing to my patreon.

The chapter release rate on this website will be one chapter per day, so eventually, the whole book will be on the site.