Chapter 995: The End of Fate
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My Iyashikei Game Chapter 995: The End of Fate

No one could touch the sky, but the sea under Han Fei turned clear like the sky. The ghost tattoo was still there. His neighbors called him from the tattoo. Han Fei had never felt so safe before. The sea was connected to the sky. Following the voice in his heart, Han Fei hugged the black box and swam to the edge of the world. A special altar stood there.

When his hands touched the altar, the sky and sea rapidly disappeared. Endless nightmare bubbles gushed into Han Fei's black box. The last layer of the nightmare was the foundation Dream used to build the world. This sea was where the nightmare bubbles were born. However, everything was flowing into No. 2's box. The grey mist receded. When Han Fei reacted, he was back in the hospital. He reached out and finally touched Dream's altar.

Nightmare tentacles reached out of the altar. Just as they were about to tear Han Fei apart, the box exploded with light. The altar door opened. The nightmare owners sensed their families in the box. Dream didn't have the chance to stop the nightmare owners from inviting the box into the altar.

The butterfly figurine clashed with the box. Dream hadn't arrived, but it used its consciousness to fight No. 2.

The grey mist around the hospital collapsed as the two Unmentionables fought. Han Fei also didn't hesitate. He used Rest in Peace to cut the Butterfly figurine. Fu Sheng's eldest son hated butterfly the most. He had been tortured for so long, and he had been waiting for this moment. He would use the prettiest thing in the world to destroy the world's ugliest nightmare. The blinding light cut the figurine. Everyone in the main hub could hear the shackles snap.

The pretty butterfly figurine broke into pieces. The black and white box turned into a new figurine!

Han Fei had an idea of what No. 2 was planning. He wanted to start another usurpation. Once one altar was taken over, dark nightmare demons came out of the other ten altars. The sky of the main sky was pierced through by chains. They bound the altar taken over by No. 2. The

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Novel Notes

My Iyashikei Story has officially ended at Chapter 1000. Gain Early Access to the translation of the entire story by subscribing to my patreon.

The chapter release rate on this website will be one chapter per day, so eventually, the whole book will be on the site.