Chapter 979: Another Layer
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My Iyashikei Game Chapter 979: Another Layer

The two altars represented two different fates. Huang Yin and Han Fei placed their hope on Shen Luo, hoping that this talented player would help eliminate one wrong choice. Shen Luo was nervous as he wandered between the two altars. Finally, he stopped before the altar with the closed doors.

“I pick the altar that looks normal.”

“Okay, we’ll pick the other one.”


“We can’t put all the eggs in one basket.”

The three stood before different altars and reached out their hands. After Shen Luo touched the normal altar, a colorful butterfly pattern appeared on his skin. The patterns overwrote each other and became a giant wing under the altar’s influence. The room was taken over by the wings. Shen Luo’s eyes changed as memories that didn’t belong to him entered his mind. At that moment, Shen Luo was like the Butterfly Han Fei killed. The two were basically created from the same mold. The wings closed around Shen Luo. Then the altar before Shen Luo slowly opened to suck the man into it.

The colorful patterns turned the altar beautiful and ethereal. The altar seemed to contain the world’s blessings. It was the real heaven.

In contrast, the altar Han Fei and Huang Yin chose had a dying God. The figurine radiated death. When Han Fei and Huang Yin touched the altar, both of them were consumed by the despair inside the altar. Their souls felt like they were about to be torn apart. They could hear crying. The altar before them expanded. Their bodies involuntarily moved towards the gap in the door. God inside the altar was tortured until it lost its mind. It would kill anything that came close to it. The colorful blood had dried up. Only despair remained in the shell of the figurine. The almost-decapitated head slowly moved to look at Han Fei. At that moment, all the imprints left behind by the previous black box owners on Han Fei triggered. The complicated ghost tattoo dyed Han Fei’s body red.

The trapped God sensed familiarity in Han Fei. Even though it had lost its mind, it could tell. The presence was too familiar

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Novel Notes

My Iyashikei Story has officially ended at Chapter 1000. Gain Early Access to the translation of the entire story by subscribing to my patreon.

The chapter release rate on this website will be one chapter per day, so eventually, the whole book will be on the site.