Chapter 978: Altar
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My Iyashikei Game Chapter 978: Altar

After communicating with the police, Han Fei returned to Immortal Lab. He went to find No. 2’s brain. No. 2’s brain didn’t respond to anyone else but Han Fei. This shocked the researchers. After working for a whole day, Han Fei returned home at midnight and logged into the game.

Blood descended. A pair of eyes kept staring at Han Fei from the grey cocoon. Han Fei could sense the gaze, but he couldn’t avoid it because logging in and out of the game required time. Han Fei opened his eyes. He walked out of the base and waited at the door.

“This is Teacher Zhang’s wife’s first time playing this game. Will she be lost?”

There were fewer people on the street. When the players dispersed, a young woman came over, pushing a wheelchair.

“Hello, Han Fei.”

Women like beauty, and Teacher Zhang’s wife was no exception. She adjusted to when she was prettiest in life.

“Come in. Teacher Zhang has been waiting for a long time already.” Han Fei accepted the wheelchair and entered the base. He called for Zhang Mingli. Teacher Zhang couldn’t say anything when he saw his wife. This was their first time meeting outside the nightmare.

“Take your time.” Han Fei astutely rolled the wheelchair away. He opened the inventory and handed a brain-like gem to the child in the wheelchair. No. 2 looked similar to how he did in the altar world. After No. 2 touched the brain fragment, blood melted into his body.

“You seem to have run into troubles.” No. 2’s voice was the same as how Han Fei remembered. He still retained the memory.

“Don’t need to be polite. We’ve been through so many things together. We’re tourists on the same ship.” Han Fei had never treated No. 2 had a child. “Many Unmentionables have participated in the bloodred night, but the main culprit is Dream. The fight between us is reaching the climax.”

“Where’s No. 0?”

“He has taken over all of my altars and become an Unmentionable. He’s guarding the channels to the surface world.” Han Fei pushed the wheelchair forward. “The cryptic world is not peaceful at the moment. They want

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Novel Notes

My Iyashikei Story has officially ended at Chapter 1000. Gain Early Access to the translation of the entire story by subscribing to my patreon.

The chapter release rate on this website will be one chapter per day, so eventually, the whole book will be on the site.