Chapter 969: Traitor
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My Iyashikei Game Chapter 969: Traitor

The situation at the main hub was stabilizing on the surface, but the danger was approaching from the undercurrents.

“It feels like he has turned into a different person…”

The members of Absolute Truth looked at the dead Lee Teng. They had no idea why he would choose to side with Dream. Their former friend had been plotting to kill them. It was a bad feeling.

“I didn’t expect that there’d be a traitor among our elite members.” Xia Chong had the members seal up the lobby. This would affect the guild's reputation, so it was better to handle it in private.

“There should be quite a number of players who chose to side with Dream. Perhaps, some of them were its disciples already.” Han Fei knelt beside Lee Teng. He looked through his inventory. “Do any of you know him in real life?”

“We’ve never asked about his real life. We know that he came from quite a rich background but was quite stingy. He wasn’t the brightest player.” The players at Absolute Truth didn’t know more.

“Don’t promote this incident. Happiness Neighborhood will rat out the traitors.” Han Fei led Shen Luo away.

“You don’t look too good. Did that player remind you of something bad?” Shen Luo saw the frown on Han Fei’s face, and he asked.

“If Lee Teng were a crazed murderer in real life, then everything would be fine. But if he were just a normal player…” Han Fei took out two bags from his inventory. “I found these among Lee Teng’s inventory.”

“They are just two bags.”

“Can’t you see the hair and blood?” Han Fei went to a secluded place and opened the bags. They contained bloody scalps and organs. “Lee Teng not only attacked the players, but he also tortured them! If he were a normal player, then his personality changed overnight after he joined Dream!”

“Dream can change a person completely within a day?” Shen Luo was shocked. “But what about me? I didn’t feel any changes.”

“You’re the exception.” Han Fei destroyed the bags. “Killing other players can raise their levels and attributes. The rules at the main hub are slowly changing. Dream is repl

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Novel Notes

My Iyashikei Story has officially ended at Chapter 1000. Gain Early Access to the translation of the entire story by subscribing to my patreon.

The chapter release rate on this website will be one chapter per day, so eventually, the whole book will be on the site.