Chapter 950: Reunion Dinner
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My Iyashikei Game Chapter 950: Reunion Dinner

Han Fei came to the main hub to do three things, save people, kill God and open the channel.

"The rest can stay here. I'll go take a look." Han Fei told his neighbors to stay at the base. He, Bai Xian, and Wu Chang left from the backdoor.

"Han Fei, are you sure you're only taking the three of us?" Bai Xian hesitated. Han Fei had many ghost friends, but he picked the one who looked the most normal.

"It's enough." Han Fei didn't wear a mask, so he was recognized by many players. The trapped players followed Han Fei because they wanted to know what the first player neighborhood was going to do. Happiness Neighborhood became their symbol of hope.

"It's Han Fei! Follow him!"

"They appear to be heading to an altar! Are they going to challenge a nightmare? Quick! Tell the boss!"

"They had so many supplies transferred here. Naturally, they're going to do something."

"But why are there only three of them? Aren't they being overconfident?"

Even though they were trapped, humans were still curious. Han Fei didn't care. It was why he didn't wear a mask. If Han Fei wanted to rebuild Immortal Pharma in the future, he needed public support. If he could help 4000000 people, then his path would be easier.

The main hub was huge. Even going to the nearest altar took a while. The crowd behind Han Fei got bigger, but the atmosphere became darker. As the grey mist-covered buildings appeared, the crowd went silent.

"This place originally is the hospital. It has been consumed by the mist, and dream dust is everywhere." Bai Xian led Han Fei and Wu Chang to the western door of the hospital. "This hospital has four entrances. The west door is the least guarded. We'll wait for five minutes. If no one else shows up, we'll enter it together."

"Is there anything else to pay attention to?"

"We better hold hands and take the first step together." Bai Xian was very careful. "Don't be careless. This nightmare is really scary."

With endless players watching, Han Fei's group of three paused at the door. After some time, they grabbed each o

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Novel Notes

My Iyashikei Story has officially ended at Chapter 1000. Gain Early Access to the translation of the entire story by subscribing to my patreon.

The chapter release rate on this website will be one chapter per day, so eventually, the whole book will be on the site.