Chapter 949: Sunny Boy and His Guild
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My Iyashikei Game Chapter 949: Sunny Boy and His Guild

Han Fei had only seen the trailer for Perfect Life. He hadn’t really played it before. Now that he was there, he felt a bit sour. “Of course, one would feel happy living here.”

Han Fei took in the surreal world before him. He opened his arms to the wind. It felt great. “There’s no need to worry about ghosts or murderers. I can do whatever I want. This is the life.” Han Fei turned around. When he saw Wu Chang’s soul melting in the sun, he was pulled back into real life. “Don’t look at the sun!”

Han Fei removed his jacket to cover Wu Chang’s head. They rushed to hide under a tree. “Stay here. I’ll try to contact some friends.” Han Fei opened the in-game chat. The chat, which was previously empty, was now exploding. Panic filled up the chat. “What to do? I’m quite nervous seeing so many people. Do I send written messages or voice messages? Should I add emojis?”

Han Fei was stumped.

“Found them.” Han Fei remembered Bai Xian and Jin Jun’s Id. He contacted them and called them to prepare a car. A few minutes later, Han Fei received the reply. Jin Jun and Bai Xian were trapped in the main hub. If they tried to leave the main city, strange flowers would grow on their bodies. However, they contacted the special NPC at Happiness Neighborhood. They would send the resources to Han Fei. They also warned Han Fei that he might not be able to leave the main hub after he entered the city.

Knowing that all the players were trapped in the main hub, Han Fei realized all his neighbors so that they could enjoy life under the sun. This world was not friendly to them. The sun would drain their power. Even so, everyone was happy. Even Lee Zai was enjoying the flowers with his brother.

“Should we get Little Eight to see a real flower?” Han Fei picked a flower for Wei Youfu.

“She appears to be scared. She doesn’t want to come out.” Wei Youfu placed the flower in his pocket. “This world is beautiful, but she was harmed in that beautiful world.”

“We can give her time.” Han Fei and his neighbors stayed for a while. Soon, the ground unde

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Novel Notes

My Iyashikei Story has officially ended at Chapter 1000. Gain Early Access to the translation of the entire story by subscribing to my patreon.

The chapter release rate on this website will be one chapter per day, so eventually, the whole book will be on the site.