Chapter 942: Bloodred Promise
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My Iyashikei Game Chapter 942: Bloodred Promise

Han Fei had met an extremely unlucky player in the cryptic world. His luck was zero and the lowest value for luck, according to the system, was zero. If that were just it, Han Fei wouldn’t be so worried but that player had a crazy talent called, Rescue after Desperation.

Back inside the plastic surgery hospital altar, the player got into many near-death situations but was always saved by Han Fei. What was his ending?

After leaving the plastic hospital, the player immediately called Xu Qin as Han Fei’s 11th wife. At that moment, Han Fei’s brain stopped. Even if he was heavily injured, he sprung up from the ground.

Han Fei recognized the player from the handwriting, and his face appeared in Han Fei’s mind. However, Han Fei refused to say the man’s name. His name was scarier than the Unmentionable. “Is he the sacrifice prepared by Gao Xing? But it makes no sense! I didn’t even see him in the worst future. Why does he always manage to get into the worst situation?”

This was the first difference between Gao Xing’s predicted future and reality.

“Hasn’t Lab No. 1 been abandoned? Why would a living person be trapped here?” Huang Yin grabbed the worker. “Unless they were truly desperate, why would they use their blood to leave a message on the wall?”

“I-I don’t know.” The worker was innocent. “This shouldn’t be. No one should be here.”

“Do you normally patrol this place?” Assistant Tao asked seriously.

“The superior never allow us to come near this place.” The worker kept explaining. He took out his phone to call his superior, but he was stopped by Han Fei. “From this moment onwards, you don’t need to report to anyone anymore. You only need to follow us.” Han Fei frowned. He moved down the corridor towards Lab No. 1. The back of his brain thudded with pain. There was a voice calling Han Fei.

Han Fei didn’t have this memory. He had never seen the bloodred orphanage in real life either. There was a door that was as shiny as a mirror at the end of the corridor. The door was built in such a way that the people outside

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Novel Notes

My Iyashikei Story has officially ended at Chapter 1000. Gain Early Access to the translation of the entire story by subscribing to my patreon.

The chapter release rate on this website will be one chapter per day, so eventually, the whole book will be on the site.