Chapter 553: Someone Has Gone Up North
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 553: Someone Has Gone Up North (Teaser)

Onan River

The Onan River was regarded as the mother river by the demon race. Legend had it that countless years ago, a mother beast gave birth to a cub by the banks of the Onan River. The young beast grew up there, and one day, it awakened its intelligence by the river. Gradually, it discovered a method of cultivation, learning to absorb the essence of heaven and earth for its own use. Later, it even created some demonic art and passed it on to other wild beasts, marking the origin of the demon race.

The demon race’s descendants revered this fierce beast as the Demon Ancestor, and the Onan River had since become a sacred site for countless years.

Though the demon race and the human race had been in conflict for many years, with the occasional victory, no battle had ever reached the Onan River. The demon race's royal city lay beyond the river, and if the human army ever reached its banks, it would signify the demon race was on the brink of extinction.

The human army had never come close to the river, and few human cultivators had