Chapter 546: That Sword That Only Knows How to Kill Demons
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 546: That Sword That Only Knows How to Kill Demons (Teaser)

In the endless wind and snow, this sentence sounded particularly harsh.

Everyone present heard it clearly.

Even though Wei Xu was being scolded, and even if he knew the person berating him was someone he never particularly liked, he still let out a sigh of relief.

A beam of sword light followed the voice, dazzling within the storm, as if it would slice open the entire heaven and earth at that very moment!

Without a doubt, that was a sword cultivator.

And the only sword cultivator who could appear here, disregard the academy and the Dean, and openly scold someone like this could only be Liu Banbi.

Liu Banbi might still carry traces of a scholar's demeanor, but his sword did not.

His sword was like the most biting wind and snow of the Northern Frontier - cold, piercing, and deadly.

This was the Sword Dao Liu Banbi had cultivated after spending many years in the Northern Frontier, killing countless demons.

His sword may not be the finest sword, but it was certainly the deadliest in the world today.

Because he trained the sword