Chapter 514: Even a Snowy Night Doesn't Chill One's Heart
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 514: Even a Snowy Night Doesn't Chill One's Heart

Chen Chao left Coldgate Pass and set out alone for the desolate northern plains. He originally considered finding a horse to travel with. But after some thought, he decided against it. If he encountered any trouble he could not resolve and needed to flee, leaving the horse behind in the freezing cold would likely result in its death on the desolate northern plains.

Chen Chao who abandoned the idea even deliberately changed into white clothing. Walking through the ice and snow, this would make it harder for him to be noticed. When traveling the world, foreign cultivators often preferred wearing white, perhaps to give off an otherworldly appearance, with a so-called demeanor of immortals. However, to Chen Chao, the choice of white was simply to avoid being easily recognized. His usual black attire with a saber was probably known to all, and he preferred not to be immediately recognized this time.

However, this would probably only fool the younger cultivators. High-level demons or foreign cultivators would likely see through it with one glance. Nonetheless, it was better than nothing. With no aura concealment magic artifact on him, Chen Chao trudged along, sighing as he went.

After traveling for half a day and being surrounded by a sea of white snow, Chen Chao finally took out his map and quickly got a headache. There were two maps: one provided by the General's Office, which was detailed due to their extensive dealings with the demon race. It also mapped out the terrain of the desolate northern plains quite well. Hence, this map was considered rather detailed. The other was personally given by Xie Nandu. Although Xie Nandu had never been to the Northern Frontier, she had the Xie Family behind her. Besides, Xie Nandu had long been interested in the North, so she had a map as well. Comparing the two maps, Chen Chao found that the differences were minimal.

However, Chen Chao sighed repeatedly, not because he could not decide which map to trust, but because after leaving Coldgate Pass, his initial nonchalance during

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