Chapter 513: Schemes and Cunning
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 513: Schemes and Cunning

Autumn remained expressionless and softly said, “Sword Immortal?”

The young sword cultivator shook his head, smiling as he replied, “Close, but not quite.”

Autumn made a noncommittal "oh" and said, “So you're here to die together with her?"

The young sword cultivator seemed to find this notion interesting but quickly replied with a smile, “We don't adhere to any martial chivalry, there's no one-on-one rule.”

Hearing this, Autumn glanced over at Ye Zhihua and calmly asked, “Do you think she still has the guts to make a move?”

“I don't see why not. After all, coming from the Infatuation Daoist Temple and being one of the Twin Pillars of Daoism, she probably wouldn't refuse to act even if heavily injured, right?” The young sword cultivator looked at Autumn and asked with a smile, “Moreover, your battle hasn't reached a dead end yet. Don't you both still have many hidden cards up your sleeves?”

Autumn said nothing in response, merely reaching out to pull out another snow sword and looking at the young sword cultivator.

The young sword cultivator sighed and said, “In that case, let's have a fight.”

Before the words had finished, his figure had already rushed forward. Meanwhile, that flying sword which was entirely green fell into his hand. He struck out with the sword, and a vast sword qi instantly tore open a gap in the wind and snow.

The sword qi spread across the heavens and the earth, covering everything like a storm. But every strand of sword qi scattered outward, quickly forming what seemed to be a cage in this world.

Ye Zhihua paused briefly, then formed seals with her hands once again. She paid no mind to the blood trickling from the corner of her mouth and continued to create another lightning pool in the clouds.

Young cultivators all had their pride. They would never join forces unless absolutely necessary. However, given the urgency of the situation, staying idle and observing from the sidelines would indeed be overly foolish.

While dealing with the endless sword qi, Autumn also took the opportuni

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