Chapter 497: Man-Eating World
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 497: Man-Eating World

Originally, Chen Chao thought that entering the palace was just for a meeting with the Second Prince and that he could return to the academy afterward. But unexpectedly, Li Heng had been waiting for him there, indicating that the Great Liang Emperor had intended to meet with Chen Chao from the beginning.

Chen Chao thought for a moment and asked, "Eunuch Li, what does His Majesty want?"

Li Heng smiled and shook his head, "This sort of thing, Commander Chen, if you ask me, I wouldn't know either."

Chen Chao realized his slip of the tongue and smiled embarrassedly, "Then please lead the way, Eunuch Li."

Li Heng nodded with a smile, waved his hand, and two young eunuchs came running over, carrying two oiled-paper umbrellas. Chen Chao took one, and Li Heng opened the other, leading the way forward.

"Eunuch Li's disciple is quite interesting."

Chen Chao took the initiative to speak, hoping to glean some information from Li Heng.

However, being a shrewd person, Li Heng just smiled and said, "He was sent to get acquainted with Commander Chen, so it will be easier to interact in the future. After all, Commander Chen will likely be entering the palace frequently."

Chen Chao frowned, not getting the information he wanted from that statement, but quickly shook his head with a bitter smile. His meager skills were not enough to match someone like Li Heng. After all, Li Heng had stood tall in the imperial city for many years without falling, it could not be accomplished just by relying on His Majesty's trust.

"Commander Chen, you don't need to overthink. His Majesty and I have no ill intentions towards Commander Chen"

Li Heng took the initiative to slow his pace, walking alongside Chen Chao

"The conditions beyond the border are harsh and troublesome. Don't show off, staying alive is more important than anything. His Majesty does not expect one or two people to change the fate of Great Liang. Commander Chen, your survival is a blessing for Great Liang."

Li Heng spoke softly, and his words seemed quite sincere.

Chen Ch

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