Chapter 484: Widowed and All Alone
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 484: Widowed and All Alone

The court sessions of the Great Liang Dynasty were long scheduled, but after the current Emperor ascended to the throne, the timing of these sessions became somewhat arbitrary. Besides being the Great Liang Emperor, this ruler was also a martial powerhouse, often entering closed-seclusion to cultivate. This practice was understandable, but even so, this Emperor did not neglect state affairs. Since the first year of Tianjian, a system was established where the Premier, along with several key officials, managed imperial affairs during the Emperor's closed-seclusions.

As a result, ministers usually received notice from the Premier a day in advance regarding court sessions. However, after the Emperor personally journeyed to the Northern Frontier last year, the frequency of court sessions significantly decreased this year. While the palace consistently claimed the Emperor was in secluded training, the ministers were not easily convinced. By spring, many ministers intermittently submitted petitions to the Emperor. Most of these memorials were intercepted by the Premier and never reached the Emperor's desk. However, as this situation dragged on, it culminated in a joint memorial signed by dozens of ministers. The Premier could no longer suppress it, resulting in a pile of memorials resembling a small mountain on the Emperor's desk.

Some ministers even stood guard at the gates of the Imperial Palace, hoping to gain an audience with the Emperor.

Yet, after all the waiting, they were met with the message: "No court session tomorrow unless there are urgent matters."

This situation angered many ministers who were previously still observing things, leading to an increased gathering of officials outside the palace gates, creating the impression of a potential forced abdication.

Such scenes were not uncommon. When it was first announced that the Emperor would travel to the Northern Frontier, a similar crowd of court officials had gathered. At that time, some officials even banged their heads against pillars, resulting in blo

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