Chapter 456: Imperial Decree
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 456: Imperial Decree

Chen Chao wanted to leave the mountain, and Yang Furen could not stop him, nor did he have a reason to. In fact, even he did not have a way to reforge that broken saber. To accomplish this task, he would need to seek the assistance of a senior who had long since stopped forging swords on the mountain. And in front of this senior, even as the Mountain Lord, his words might not carry much weight.

Although Chen Chao's earlier words had upset many of those present, he had not killed anyone after ascending the mountain, so they did not have a reason to detain him. Furthermore, even if they had such intentions, it would not have been prudent. While there were sword immortals on the mountain, their intervention would give rise to accusations of bullying a junior. Yet, if the sword immortals refrained from acting, could the cultivators at the Great Beyond truly detain this young martial artist?

Since that was the case, turning a blind eye to Chen Chao's departure seemed like the best course of action.

However, soon after, a series of hurried footsteps could be heard coming from the mountain path. Several disciples from Sword Qi Mountain arrived at the front of the hall, their faces uneasy as they looked at Yang Furen.

Yang Furen glanced at them and asked, "What's the matter?"

The disciple seemed momentarily unsure of how to respond, but he quickly gathered his courage and said, "Mountain Lord, a messenger from the Great Liang Dynasty has arrived at the mountain gate with an imperial decree from the Great Liang Emperor!"

"Imperial decree?!"

Not only Yang Furen but all the swordsmiths present were taken aback by this announcement. Sword Qi Mountain had stood for many years without any connection to the secular dynasties. Forget about receiving an imperial decree, even officials from various dynasties had rarely set foot on this Sword Qi Mountain dedicated to sword forging. Why was there now an imperial decree delivered to the mountain?

At the beginning of the Great Liang Dynasty's establishment, they had convened a m

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