Chapter 289: Take a Look at the Onan River
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 289: Take a Look at the Onan River

As everyone knew, the Great Liang Emperor's ascension process was a legendary tale. Starting as a vassal prince, he eventually inherited the imperial throne. Such a journey, rising from a mere eight hundred soldiers to challenging an entire nation, was rarely seen even across the history of the human race.

To put it mildly, there was only this one successful rebellion led by a vassal prince in the entire history of humanity, and that was the current Great Liang Emperor.

The Great Liang Emperor was legendary enough, but the Demon Emperor in front of him was equally legendary. Originally the least favored by the previous generation's Demon Emperor, he was never in consideration when the previous Demon Emperor decided to establish the demon race's Crown Prince. Looking as the previous Demon Emperor weakened with each passing day and gradually approached the end of his life, several demon princes finally could not restrain themselves any longer and launched a rebellion successively. Several uprisings were suppressed by that Demon Emperor, resulting in many bloody tales in the demon race at that time.

After several rebellions, only two princes remained in the demon race back then.

However, the previous Demon Emperor leaned toward passing the demon throne to the other prince, and did not consider the current Demon Emperor.

But in the end, during the first court session after the newly appointed Demon Emperor ascended the throne, the prince who had always been deliberately overlooked appeared in the great hall. He approached the throne and directly snapped the neck of the new Demon Emperor in front of everyone.

The story's process was very complicated and uninteresting, yet the outcome was undeniably shocking.

In a certain sense, this story bore some resemblance to the tale of the Great Liang Emperor. However, these two rulers obviously would not share any sentiments about their past stories here. The two sovereigns stood on opposite sides of the riverbank, silently facing each other.

Suddenly, the entire river wa

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