Chapter 288: Two People Meeting by the Lake
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 288: Two People Meeting by the Lake

An hour later, the Great Liang Emperor walked through the mountain of corpses and sea of blood. Demon blood was not all red; due to different races, the color of blood varied. After the multi-colored blood pooled here, it flowed into the distance like a colorful river.

The Great Liang Emperor's emperor robe remained untarnished, as if he had casually walked through this demon army that was ordered to march towards Bluestone Pass, effortlessly defeating them.

The entire expanse of the desolate north was dead silent.

This Great Liang Emperor, who was once a vassal prince back then, had once been to the Northern Frontier. Although he did not go to the front lines, he had taken care of many demons too. At that time, he still occasionally displayed his skills. However, after he rose in rebellion and ascended to the throne, he rarely displayed his skills anymore. Over the years, he sat high on the throne, watching everything in the world. But, he never personally took action. Although the world knew he stepped into the Nepenthe Realm, no one knew how far he had walked within the Nepenthe Realm and how powerful he had become.

This journey to the desolate north might be the moment when this Great Liang Emperor displayed his might as the monarch of the human race once again after many years.

Although no one had witnessed his first two displays, he exterminated a great demon with a wave of his hand the first time. The second time, he annihilated a demon army marching south. After the news spread, all cultivators in the world would probably fall into silence.

Continuing northward, he traveled slowly through the vast plains of the desolate north. Occasionally, he would see clusters of demon tribes in the distance. Although the Demon King's Court had been established for over a millennium, it had not formed a governing structure similar to humanity. The territory of the Demon King's Court was casually divided, with a great demon ruling over a piece, but there were basically no cities that were built.

The thirty thousand

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