Chapter 235: Wild Daoist On the Mountain
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 235: Wild Daoist On the Mountain

Chen Chao was stunned and immediately threw the pebbles in his hand like two throwing weapons piercing through the white mist and landing in two different directions.

A faint cry of pain came from one direction, while in the other, there was an extremely crisp sound. Chen Chao was very clear that it was the sound of the pebble colliding with a sword.

In the next moment, two swords, one from the left and one from the right, pierced through the white mist towards him. Although the two daoist cultivators were opponents just moments ago, their teamwork at this moment was remarkably seamless, as if they had lived and trained together for many years.

Both of them were disciples of Daoism, and their sword techniques were not vastly different; differing only slightly. Their cooperation that was done on a whim actually displayed no flaws or unfamiliarity.

If it were anyone else, they would probably have instantly lost their life under the joint attack of these two daoists.

However, what Chen Chao excelled at the most was seeking that glimmer of hope between life and death. Before the two daoists could completely close in with their swords, he used a single strike to fend off one of the swords, creating an opening.

The two swords clashed in mid-air, creating a series of sparks.

The two daoists exchanged a glance, their expressions turning rather solemn. This joint attack was not a spur-of-the-moment. Even when they had encountered each other earlier, they had already learned of Chen Chao's existence over here through secret arts. In the time that it took for sparks to fly off a piece of flint, the two exchanged glances and saw the complex yet uncomplicated emotions reflected in each other's eyes.

However, they had already made their decision within this short time frame.

But, the result was clearly not as they had hoped.

Their joint attack had failed to kill the martial artist right away. Then, they each withdrew their swords. But before they could regain their footing, a black figure suddenly charged towards You S

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