Chapter 96: Breaking
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 96: Breaking

Contrary to the expectations of England’s regent, the sight of the Metal Fortresses wavering or even succumbing to despair didn’t happen. Their footsteps didn’t slow, and they continued to charge on with determination.

If anything, the Crusade’s celebration allowed them to advance with greater ease.

“What?” England’s regent couldn’t believe what he was seeing. “Why aren’t they frightened?! Why aren’t they wavering?!”

Someone soon answered his question, not with words but a spear.


A black flash pierced through the center of the celebrating army.

Blood splattered.

An entire row of soldiers collapsed just like that, plunging the battlefield into silence.

The smoke scattered, and a blood-red cavalryman emerged.

The earlier bombardment failed to strike Shu Yichao. He had no idea why those people were celebrating.


A ballista spear flew in Shu Yichao’s direction, but he took out his scimitar and sliced it into two. He began charging forward like an unstoppable bull.

“Struggle in the pits of despair!”

The Crusade’s morale was crushed to see Shu Yichao ‘rising from the dead’ and coming after them once more.


“The Scourge of God has come back to life!”

“He’s unkillable! We’re going against the Lord’s will!”

The Crusade panicked.

“What’s that fellow doing?!”

The Duke of Milan felt light-headed. He understood that England’s regent had done that to undermine the Khitans’ morale, but the problem was that not only did he fail to do so, but he had also crushed their own soldiers’ morale.


The Metal Fortresses finally arrived at the frontlines. They followed the path Shu Yichao had opened up for them, allowing them to disregard the fences and ditches dug by the Crusade to charge into the enemy ranks.

Soldiers and horses toppled over. The Crusade’s formation was being overrun.

Shoosh… Pak!

A ballista spear rammed into a Metal Fortress and knocked him down his horse.


A few soldiers of the Crusade exchanged high-fives to celebrate this mini victory.

To their shock, the Metal Fortress rose up

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