Chapter 87: Basilinna
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 87: Basilinna

The Eastern Romain army’s plan was to use the raging flood to take down the alliance army. Their earlier provocations were just a chain in their plans.

It didn’t matter how the alliance army conducted their assault, or whether their cavalrymen would charge on their own accord or not. Their scheme was already a success as long as the alliance army chose to stay behind and fight them.

Hunyadi finally understood that, but it was already too late.

The turbid water had flooded the alliance army’s barracks and logistical troops.

Some logistical soldiers were washed away by the incoming flood. Some tried to escape, but the mud bogged down their movements. Some grabbed nearby planks, wine vats, flag poles, or whatever that floated and struggled in the water.

Meanwhile, the alliance army troops fighting on the frontline descended into chaos upon the realization that they had nowhere to escape to.

When the water level finally settled, multiple wooden rafts started drifting into the battlefield.

It was unrealistic to take down the enemy with just a flood. Too little water wouldn’t work, but using too much of it would result in huge casualties among the Eastern Romain army too.

While Sophia had carefully calculated the water amount, she added one more chip in.

Over a thousand Eastern Romain soldiers emerged from the seemingly uncrossable bogs on the flanks of the battlefield, and they began picking off the struggling alliance army soldiers with their bows and spears.

With this, the alliance army soldiers were cornered on three sides, and the last side was facing a cliff.

Let’s see how you deal with this.

“It’s over. We have lost.”

Hunyadi’s cavalrymen turned pale.

“My Lord, why must you punish us?”

“We haven’t lost yet!” Hunyadi stared at Sophia as he drew his sword and growled, “Follow me! Let’s kill that little twat!”

He was so well-respected that the cavalrymen, despite being shaken up by the dire circumstances, obeyed his orders and moved uphill.

Sophia watched as Hunyadi’s platoon cast aside their horses to march up the h

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