Chapter 86: Drowning the White Knight
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 86: Drowning the White Knight

Resplendent flags fluttered in the wind. Horse hooves clobbered on the ground, raising a cloud of dust in their wake.

Hunyadi felt light-headed.

The strength of cavalrymen truly shone when charging in a large group, and they would do well to avoid densely-packed footsoldier formations that compromised their momentum.

It might be exhilarating for you to charge right in, but do you know how much momentum we’ll be losing if you fail?

Hunyadi could only pray that the Eastern Romain army was just bravado with nothing to show, a white elephant that would instantaneously crumble before their cavalrymen’s charge.

The alliance army’s charging cavalrymen swiftly approached the Eastern Romain army formation.

They thought that those red-robed Romain spearmen were just a bunch of cowardly farmers who would scatter in a fluster in the face of their charge, and it would be a one-sided slaughter afterward.

They were so convinced that victory was theirs to claim that they failed to notice that the red-robed Romain spearmen firmly remained in their positions while tightening their grip on their sharp spears.

“Advance!” an Eastern Romain commander ordered.

Several Romain spearmen platoons raised their spears and started running forward while maintaining their formations. With unwavering eyes, they charged back against the alliance army’s cavalrymen!


The charging cavalrymen rushed into a sea of spears like a ship crashing into a skerry.

A cloud of dust rose, obscuring the outcome of the clash. Commanders from both armies squinted their eyes, wanting to know which side had emerged victorious.

The dust slowly settled…

Broken spears, fallen steeds, and splattered blood were slowly unveiled.

The alliance army’s cavalrymen succeeded in diving deep into the Eastern Romain army’s spearmen formation, but they failed to pierce through it. Having lost their momentum, they found themselves surrounded by spearmen.

One by one, these trapped cavalrymen were picked off.

Only a small handful of people succeeded in turning around in a fluster and

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