Chapter 72: Blood Rosalia
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 72: Blood Rosalia

“They are finally gone.”

The envoys were moved to tears when they saw Shu Yichao and his thousands of cavalrymen slowly galloping away amidst a cloud of dust. Their lieges had been frantically fleeing through all kinds of channels over the past few days.

Those who had relatives in a foreign country chose to temporarily seek refuge there, even if it meant sailing across the sea.

Those who had hideouts in the mountains escaped there with their aides, enduring the inconveniences and discomfort there.

Those who had underground cellars and secret passageways moved their family over, and they prepared enough rations and water to last them for months. They spent their time praying for the Khitan Caesar not to come.

Only those who had no way of hiding and escaping thickened their skin and remained in the Apennine Peninsula.

For instance, the Duke of Milan.

He had been a mercenary, but a few years back, he took control of Milan and declared himself the duke. His foundation was weak, and he didn’t have a thorough grasp over the duchy. If he fled overseas at this juncture, he would lose everything he had worked for.

So, he hid in his barracks, wearing his armor and wielding his sword at all times. At the same time, he dug out valuable possessions to send to the Khitan Caesar, lest the latter beat him up at a whim.

Luckily, the days of trembling in fear were behind them.

The gifts that added up to an astronomical sum had satisfied the Khitan Caesar.

“We shall celebrate with a banquet tonight, drinking ourselves silly and enjoying a good rest afterward!”

The envoys were delighted too. They couldn’t help but draw a parallel between them and Pope Leo I, who had convinced the previous Scourge of God to withdraw.

As for who the Khitan Caesar would terrorize next, that was none of their concern.

Little did they know that Shu Yichao’s departure had nothing to do with their gifts. The latter had always been nonchalant to in-game AI presenting him with gifts.

It’s good that you’re giving me things on your own accord, but even if you do

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