Chapter 214: Allegiance
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 214: Allegiance

In a countryside manor located in Shazhou…


A young man excitedly rushed into the manor, only to sense something amiss with the atmosphere. Another man was with his father in the guest hall, and soldiers were stationed along the corridor.

“Big brother, you’re back! Let me tell you… Ah?!”

The excited young man was about to share the news he had just heard when he noticed that his big brother was still wearing Tibetan clothes. His cheeks twitched.

“Big brother, why are you still dressed like that?!” the young man exclaimed. “Don’t you know the Tangs are making a comeback! The Gatling Buddha has already conquered Tingzhou with the Anxi predecessors!”

He patted his clothes and continued, “See, I have already switched my clothes back!”

Shu Yichao had been focusing on Transoxania and the Iron Gate Pass, but he spawned new troops even from the slaughtering of livestock, which resulted in him constantly having spare troops on hand.

Not one to waste troops, he had been dispatching them to conduct small-scale attacks to the east.

It didn’t sound like anything much on the surface—he would just be harassing some of the provinces under the Tibetan Empire’s rule; it wouldn’t amount to anything much.

But what Shu Yichao considered ‘small-scale’ was relative to his entire undead army.

So, the Tibetan garrison troops found themselves attacked by 70,000 to 80,000 undead troops now and then.

How many soldiers could cities in Karasahr and Xizhou have?

At most a couple thousand.

The Tibetan general stationed in Karasahr initially intended to mount a resistance. He gathered troops from various places, eventually rallying together an army of ten thousand.

They set forth to confront the undead army, and in the end, they eradicated all 60,000 terracotta soldiers with a thousand casualties. It was a glorious victory!

The Tibetan general gleefully strutted back to his city.

But before they could even conclude the celebration banquet, they received a report that the second wave of terracotta soldiers was at their doorstep. The drunk

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