Chapter 188: Wolf or Dog?
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 188: Wolf or Dog?

We’re fucking doomed!

Such a thought popped up in the Holywolf Warrior’s mind when she saw Shu Yichao.

She had to admit that Shu Yichao was gorgeous, piquing licentious thoughts in her mind. If he had been her tribesman, she would have surely made him a permanent fixture of her tent.

But now, the only thing she wanted to do was to flee.

She saw not the slightest shred of mercy in the other party’s eyes. The way he looked at her sent shivers down her spine.

She had seen all types of gazes on the battlefield.

Some warriors looked at her with a mix of fear and curiosity. They could have been new soldiers who had never spilled blood before, or ordinary civilians conscripted to inflate the troop count.

Some of them had eyes filled with greed and savagery. Their conscience had been numbed from taking too many lives, and they wouldn’t hesitate to swing their weapons to reap the lives and plunder the wealth of others. To them, the others were just livestock to enrich themselves.

But she had never seen such terrifying eyes before.

Shu Yichao’s eyes sparkled with childlike innocence and delight… but he proceeded to devastate the surroundings with his lightning, reducing her valiant warriors into charred corpses. He was like a child playing a game, and her tribesmen were just toys to amuse him.

There was no malice behind his actions. It was like a child pouring boiling water on ants; it was raw, intrinsic cruelty.

The Holywolf Warrior realized that there was no negotiating with someone like that. Whatever leverage she had, in the other party’s eyes, might just be no different from toys.


Despite being the valiant Holywolf Warrior who stoked fear in Transoxania, she didn’t hesitate when deciding to flee.

Those empty titles can’t be more important than my life!

As for slaying the enemy commander, the high shaman’s zombified body hinted at the fate of the last person who tried that. If even the high shaman has failed, there is no reason for me to become cannon fodder here too.

So, the Holywolf Warrior took off her extrava

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