Chapter 187: Ambushed
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 187: Ambushed

“So Chach is Dayuan, and Dayuan is Chach!” Shu Yichao exclaimed in astonishment after examining the minimap.

He was only belatedly recalling that now.

This place had been called Dayuan during the Han dynasty. They once refused to sell good steeds to Emperor Wu of Han, so the latter dispatched an army over to beat them up before taking a steed back themselves.

Later in the Tang dynasty, this place became known as Chach. They even once established a Dayuan Protectorate here.

“This means that my pegasus is nearby!” Shu Yichao rubbed his hand in glee. He glanced at Miazova and murmured, “I wonder if the pegasi are as fast as you.”

“How’s that possible?” Miazova, who had reverted to his mismatched armor human form, grunted in annoyance.


“What’s with that voice dripping with regret?”

“Whatever! It beats having nothing.” Shu Yichao threw his hands into the air. “Brothers, charge straight ahead! We’ll be reclaiming Dayuan Protectorate!”

Tak! Tak!

Following Shu Yichao’s shout, a massive figure began opening up his strides.

Like the other hero-class enemies, the high shaman was reanimated as a zombie after his death and taken into Shu Yichao’s army. A small army of zombies was slowly taking shape.

It just so happened that the fog of war over Transoxania had been lifted, so Shu Yichao picked the most convenient route and headed straight for Chach’s capital.

While he was heading southward through a mountain range, he noticed a huge cluster of red dots in the vicinity.

“What are these red dots? They even intentionally let my vanguards through… Are they planning to ambush me?” Shu Yichao murmured.

In a mountain valley, the wolf-eared woman lay in ambush with her Icewolf Cavalrymen.

The Icewolf Cavalrymen were a daunting group of monster cavalrymen in the Icewolf Tribe. Their grueling training with their huge and vicious mounts gave them superior stamina to withstand the bitter cold and excellent mobility to maneuver freely even along a sharp cliff.

That allowed the Holywolf Warrior to lay an ambush in the most treacherous

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