Chapter 177: The Next Victim
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 177: The Next Victim

The underground tunnels dug by the Mole Tribe were vast and complicated, reminiscent of a large spider web connected with many smaller ones.

If there were a blueprint for it, it would have driven those with trypophobia into a manic state.

The larger tunnels were still fine, but some of the smaller tunnels were nearly impossible for a human to get into.

System 12345 realized that it would be difficult for its host to find Weryomahners in that labyrinth, not to mention many moles were dwelling in the tunnels. It would be dangerous for an outsider like its host to chase Weryomahners into the tunnel.

And if its host accidentally made a commotion, Weryomahners might realize something was amiss and attempt to escape immediately.

That won’t do!

System 12345 absolutely wouldn’t allow something like that to happen.

【Let me see… My host, I have highlighted a few crucial spots for you on the minimap. You can slip into the main tunnels if you shovel a few spades of dirt in those places.】

【Even though the entrances of the moles’ tunnels are narrow, the center area is wide enough for a horse to gallop through. Go and get Weryomahners!】

【Hmm, you should take these routes since the moles don’t patrol them as frequently. Find a way to slip past their sentries. Be sure not to cause a huge commotion lest you alert the moles. Otherwise, you might find yourself chased by a few hundred thousand moles.】


System 12345 pondered for a moment.

【My host, you can also order your female slaves to travel via the tunnel and block off Tianshan’s northern entrance. Let’s not give Weryomahners any chance of escaping!】

After it was done making arrangements, all that was left for System 12345 to do was pray.

【My host, you must succeed.】

“Hm? What’s wrong, grandson?”

“Come with me!”

Shu Yichao was delighted to see the fog of war lifting from the map. The mod developer could be considerate at times!

So, he led the army to a certain point on the mountain and unleashed Lightning Arrow on the crucial spot marked on the minimap.


The mountain

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